Bought a fountain from them. After a delay of two months getting started, they finally got it built. Looks great-but leaks a lot. We have to fill it twice a day just to keep the pump running. They've stopped returning our phone calls and appear to have given up trying to fix it. I wish we'd gotten it somewhere else!
Update-they kept trying to fix it, changed the design and finally..success! Now it's beautiful and it doesn't leak. Thanks Rich and Ben!
Bought a fountain from them. After a delay of two months getting started, they finally got it built. Looks great-but leaks a lot. We have to fill it twice a day just to keep the pump running. They've stopped returning our phone calls and appear to have given up trying to fix it. I wish we'd gotten it somewhere else! Update-they kept trying to fix it, changed the design and finally..success! Now it's beautiful and it doesn't leak. Thanks Rich and Ben!