Degrading experience from the RN on duty she was extremely unprofessional and surly. She seemed agitated and angry all wrapped into one but definitely a horrible experience. If I could give her a rating it would be -5 because it seems she does this alot to the point that she was comfortable. She was mid to late 30's and angry already. She should not be allowed to tarnish this hospitals reputation with her Deplorable behavior. I will be contacting corporate about this visit.
Degrading experience from the RN on duty she was extremely unprofessional and surly. She seemed agitated and angry all wrapped into one but definitely a horrible experience. If I could give her a rating it would be -5 because it seems she does this alot to the point that she was comfortable. She was mid to late 30's and angry already. She should not be allowed to tarnish this hospitals reputation with her Deplorable behavior. I will be contacting corporate about this visit.