I wanted to say thank you Gina for providing the excellent microblading procedure. I truly appreciate the time you took in determining the correct shape and color of my eyebrows. My beautiful results were worth the time consuming process. My eyebrows never looked better. What a wonderful gift to give yourself. I am very glad I selected Gina for my microblading. She is a gifted artist and master technician who loves bringing out her clients inner beauty.
Excited and Satified
Barbara S
I wanted to say thank you Gina for providing the excellent microblading procedure. I truly appreciate the time you took in determining the correct shape and color of my eyebrows. My beautiful results were worth the time consuming process. My eyebrows never looked better. What a wonderful gift to give yourself. I am very glad I selected Gina for my microblading. She is a gifted artist and master technician who loves bringing out her clients inner beauty. Excited and Satified Barbara S