I went to Dr. Arichandran several years ago at Capital Area Pediatrics in Herndon, VA. At a routine visit when I was fifteen I disclosed that I had been feeling fatigued for several months. One of the questions Dr. Arichandran asked me was if I was sexually active, and I admitted that I engaged in oral sex with my boyfriend at the time. Of all the possible causes of fatigue, she was convinced that I had possibly contracted HIV and strongly suggested that I get tested. There was no mention of anemia, mono, or any other common cause of fatigue. I have reason to believe that my race (I am African-American) was a major factor in her prognosis, i.e. that she assumed I was promiscuous. I have been tested for HIV twice since then, and am still negative. Needless to say, this experience has made me very distrustful of doctors.
I went to Dr. Arichandran several years ago at Capital Area Pediatrics in Herndon, VA. At a routine visit when I was fifteen I disclosed that I had been feeling fatigued for several months. One of the questions Dr. Arichandran asked me was if I was sexually active, and I admitted that I engaged in oral sex with my boyfriend at the time. Of all the possible causes of fatigue, she was convinced that I had possibly contracted HIV and strongly suggested that I get tested. There was no mention of anemia, mono, or any other common cause of fatigue. I have reason to believe that my race (I am African-American) was a major factor in her prognosis, i.e. that she assumed I was promiscuous. I have been tested for HIV twice since then, and am still negative. Needless to say, this experience has made me very distrustful of doctors.