Customer service needs alot of work. When told to call home phone, do not call my cell phone. Coming in for service early early in the morning and there is only one customer in the lobby , no cars in the bay. Why do I have to call you when your supposed to call me to let me know my service is done.Dude, it is almost closing time really. Oh by the way it was just to get a flat tire serviced. I am not going to find out what you do for a major service problem.
Customer service needs alot of work. When told to call home phone, do not call my cell phone. Coming in for service early early in the morning and there is only one customer in the lobby , no cars in the bay. Why do I have to call you when your supposed to call me to let me know my service is done.Dude, it is almost closing time really. Oh by the way it was just to get a flat tire serviced. I am not going to find out what you do for a major service problem.