Be careful renting from here. They will add charges to your rental and add things to the agreement that you’ve declined, but not tell you. The charges won’t show up until a day or so later so you won’t even be aware of them. Then when you try and dispute them they will say you signed the paperwork and there is nothing they can do. They had added insurances and coverage to our rental that I declined. They know you arnt going to read through the long paperwork, especially if you have a flight to catch, so they added them anyway. They didn’t say anything about extra charges and so you sign knowing you told them “no” to the extra insurance and such and assuming you are going to be charged what you are told, but then end up with an extra $50-$100 charges later. Rent from anywhere else.
Be careful renting from here. They will add charges to your rental and add things to the agreement that you’ve declined, but not tell you. The charges won’t show up until a day or so later so you won’t even be aware of them. Then when you try and dispute them they will say you signed the paperwork and there is nothing they can do. They had added insurances and coverage to our rental that I declined. They know you arnt going to read through the long paperwork, especially if you have a flight to catch, so they added them anyway. They didn’t say anything about extra charges and so you sign knowing you told them “no” to the extra insurance and such and assuming you are going to be charged what you are told, but then end up with an extra $50-$100 charges later. Rent from anywhere else.